Holsters are designed for holding pistols. Good holsters will hold the weapon securely and still allow
one to draw it smoothly. Holster design, placement, and practice working with the draw will
affect draw speed and efficiency.
Anyone that's carried a pistol on the airsoft field understands that a rifle has better range and
a higher rate of fire under most conditions. A pistol is good for the close ranges or as a backup
when the time to change mags isn't available. When the time is short, the pistol needs to be
handy for a smooth, fast defensive draw. Carrying it in a pants pocket is more difficult to draw.
The key is finding a holster that works for the individual's style of gameplay, draw and pistol.
Even if the holster works, it takes time and practice with the draw before decent efficiency starts to
enter the picture. Selection is purely personal preference and affordability. There are a lot of holsters
on the market; some perform well, some work okay, some just don't work period.
Real scale
One advantage of airsoft is that most guns are 1:1 scale replicas. Therein, the holsters for the
guns may also fit the holsters designed to work with the real steel. Good brands such as Maruzen will
have quality and ratios near perfect whereas HFC M9's are slightly larger frames than the M9's they
replicate and might not fit. Ask other players for advice and assistance with selection.
NOTE: DO NOT bring an airsoft pistol into a store. Police are trained to treat airsoft guns as real
firearms which can create a dangerous situation. Plastic molds of some pistols are present in
most gun shops. These plastic pistols can serve the same purpose for feeling out a holster.
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